Thursday 10 November 2011

News Brief: Cabbages and oranges enter seasonal low prices

2011’s low rainfall has lead to high productivity and consequently low prices for oranges and cabbages, Formosa Television reported yesterday (Chinese article here). 

Prices of Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata (高麗菜; “Korean vegetable”) and Chinese cabbage (大白菜; Brassica rapa pekinensis; “big white vegetable”), fell as low as NT$5-6 per kilogram in areas of production, while that of ponkan (椪柑; Citrus poonensis; a relative of the tangerine) fell to NT$4-6 per catty (台斤; 600g). 

This is causing much dismay to farmers—and their political supporters—since capital costs for ponkan, for example, are estimated at NT$12 per catty.

                                                                             Text and photos © Jiyue Publications 2011

1 comment:

  1. Farmers' suffering is consumers’ gain, however, and a lesson to all to eat seasonal foods. Oranges (perhaps ponkan variety) were NT$7 per catty in Luzhou Market, New Taipei City, yesterday, and customers could hand-choose their favorite fruit, unlike at supermarkets which sell fruit and vegetables in pre-selected bagfuls.
